Torres del Paine – spectacular place

To be in Patagonia and not go Torres del Paine is the same as going to Scotland and not having a whiskey. Or going to Jamajca and not… well. We had no reason for not going, so we packed for three days, then threw half of the pack away to stay ligh and went for trekking into Torres. In the end, three days became five, trekking became partly running, jumping over the boulders and a lot of shooting and fun.

Hned na úvod nás přivítala Laguna Almagra.

Laguna Almagra  introduced us to Torres del Paine.

A samozřejmě lamy guanacos

Guanacos followed.

Pronikli jsme do Vale Silencio a stálo to za to.

We got into Vale Silencio and it was worth that.

Místní si přímo říkal o proběhnutí

Local terran was so tempting to run

Palonc @ Torres del Paine

Usually there is no point in going for Mirador de las Torres in the morning as the weather is usually bad, so we gave it a go in the evening.

No stálo to za to, co si budem povídat.

What shall I tell you, it was worth it.

A děly se tu různé věci.

Many thing happened there.

Palonc @ Torres del Paine

Traverzy mezi údolími taky nebyly k zahození.

Traversing between valleys were also great



Nejen běháním je člověk živ, občas se jen tak zastavit a koukat.

But there is more than running.



The last day we were looking forward to getting home as the last 17 km should have been boring. Wel…

Palonc @ Torres del Paine

Chci zařvat, běžet, letět....


Palonc @ Torres del Paine
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